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DK6 is now DK6+

DK6 is now DK6+

DK2 is still DK2. DK2+ is still DK2+. DK6 is now DK6+. The number (2 or 6) indicates the amount of travel and the + indicates the larger NEMA34 motor vs. the compact and efficient NEMA23 only avail...

NewsWhy no Traction Loss?

Why no Traction Loss?

Simulating yaw is very tricky and hard to do properly. Its an area of diminishing returns when it comes to motion layers and simulation. Or in other words you get a lot less when you add Yaw, Sur...

NewsNew Software Release | Update Control

New Software Release | Update Control

We have updated our software to better control future software releases. You now have the ability to install the latest software builds, go back to previous builds or even try our beta releases an...

IntegratorNew Sim Center | Victory Sim - Hickory, NC

New Sim Center | Victory Sim - Hickory, NC

We are proud to announce the launch of Victory Sim Center in Hickory, NC just one hour north of Charlotte, NC. The sim center will feature several simulators, including full motion simulators power...

IntegratorNew Sim Center | Apex Race Room in the Pontyclun, UK

New Sim Center | Apex Race Room in the Pontyclun, UK

Check out Apex Race Rooms in Pontyclun, UK or better yet join their Apex Club to get discounts, exclusive access to our simulators and member only events.

CommercialDatsun 280Z Real Car Simulator | Larry Chen

Datsun 280Z Real Car Simulator | Larry Chen

Larry Chen reviews the Datsun 280Z real car full motion simulator which is a special project headed for a Kuwait sim center. We have done over 24 such full motion projects mostly for marketing exhi...