DK System Comparison

comparing dk motion systems

DK2+ and DK6+ both use larger motors with a better overall torque profile, hence the + sign designation. The larger motor allows for more accurate bump and curb feel, with faster changes in direction, with heavier chassis configurations. This gives the simulator overall more attitude. And because of its greater payload capacity, the DK2+ and DK6+ actuator combinations are preferred by Sim Centers all around the world. While the DK2 is the ultimate at home haptic solution, with all the mechanical and electrical performance but in a more compact package and slightly lower payload.

Differences between models are highlighted in bold below.




Motor Type CPM-SDSK-2331S CPM-SDSK-3432P CPM-SDSK-3432P
Motor Torque 124 oz-in (0.9 N-m) 209 oz-in (1.5 N-m) 209 oz-in (1.5 N-m)
Motor Peak 620 oz-in (4.4 N-m) 698 oz-in (4.9 N-m) 698 oz-in (4.9 N-m)
Motor Speed 2,520 rpm 2,380 rpm 2,380 rpm
Actuator Size 14.500" tall x 3.125" wide 14.750" tall x 3.375" wide 19.000" tall x 3.375" wide
Actuator Weight 9 lbs. 16 lbs. 20 lbs.
Actuator Stroke 2″ (50mm) 2″ (50mm) 6″ (150mm)
Actuator Speed 8.4"/s @ 2,520 rpm 7.9"/s @ 2,380 rpm 7.9"/s @ 2,380 rpm
Total Capacity (4-post) 500 lbs. (227 kg) 800 lbs. (363 kg) 800 lbs. (363 kg)
Controller Size 14.75" wide x 9.25" long x 3.00" tall 14.75" wide x 9.25" long x 3.00" tall 14.75" wide x 9.25" long x 3.00" tall
Controller Weight 9.5 lbs. 9.5 lbs. 9.5 lbs.
Mounting Single Position
Solid CNC 6061
Single Position
Solid CNC 6061
Multiple Positions
Solid CNC 6061
Video DK2 Video DK2+ Video

DK6+ Video

Color Tumbled Silver Anodized Black Anodized Black
Use Case Home Use Home Use
Sim Centers
Home Use
Sim Centers
High Travel Applications
Pricing From  $2990 From $5990 From $7990

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Please visit our Commercial Systems page for our high payload DK-PRO motion systems capable of up to 1200 lbs. and our real full motion vehicle or commercial platform DK-X systems capable of up to 5000 lbs. at 4" and 6" of travel.